Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Drones or Soldiers?

   In a recent article by Brian M. Feltch on the 2012 Current Events web page entitled "Latest drone blunder kills 13, resurrects drone morality debate," Feltch informs his readers about two military issues: 1)  the drone aircraft's making grave mistakes and 2) people are revolting and the Obama administration is saying nothing.

  Predator Drones, un-manned killing and spying air planes, have been completely missing there targets in recent missions. A senior Yemeni official admitted Sunday that a U.S. drone “completely missed” its target Sunday, killing 13 civilians, including three women. The Yemeni government works closely with the United States in the to fight terrorism within its borders.The victims’ families went to Sana’a intending to lay the bodies on President Abdurabu Hadi’s doorstep, but were turned away by security forces. Those families have blocked roads in protest, forcing the roads to be closed. According to a CNN report, the families have been joined by hundreds of armed gunmen and have demanded an explanation from the Yemeni government within 48 hours.

  Drones? What if the enemy had drones and miss fired on us?

  Evidently, it is the Obama Administration’s policy not to comment on the drone attacks.Drone strikes are among the most precise military weapons in the war on terrorism. That is not up for debate. However, their precision is only as accurate as the men and women controlling them, and those men and women are not involved in the situation on the ground. It is this issue that is fundamental to the moral argument concerning drone attacks. Feltch states in his article that " If only one side of the war is actually present for it, the side fighting absentee is more likely to commit grave mistakes similar to the ones discussed here. As the cliche goes, there is nothing more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose. The soldiers behind the controls for these drones have nothing to lose."

  I agree with Mr. Feltch when saying that drones are dangerous when not properly controlled, but however I disagree when he states that soldiers who control these drones have nothing to loose. Soldiers who control these drones are watched heavily and face loosing there ranking and job when mistakes are made.

  My grandfather served in the vietnam war and was very passionate about the military and Im sure that if he were here today, he would definately want these drones fighting the war then good men.

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